What binds humanity together is stronger that what divides us. This is the time of year that I start to snap out of the winter funk. Now I can drive to work during the light - perhaps not that much of a concern because now I commute east to west when I go to downtown Pittsburgh. Soon the forsythias will bloom, after that my eyes will be come itchy and I will sneeze a great deal. Then, the daffodils - but I digress.
It seems instructive to focus on the common themes between these two holidays and avoid the stark differences. Both holidays celebrate redemption and the renewal of the spring, the resurrection phase of the cycle of life. Both are focused, in their own way, on liberation - from slavery and sin. Both are structured around festive meals, centered around family and friends. Both use the egg as a symbol of nature and fertility.
In the Passover 'seder' ceremony, we eat green herbs to remind us of the forthcoming spring, dipped in salt water as a reminder of the tears shed by martyrs and those who suffer in the cause of good. Green is also the predominant color of the regalia of a "Perfect Master", which is what I have been thinking about a great deal. Primarily, I will be traveling back to Guthrie to see the degrees of the Scottish Rite again at their Spring Reunion, secondarily because I have been set my fifth degree paper
for the College of the Consistory, so I will be paying special attention to that degree and it's symbolism of new life as the consequence of death.
In addition to these sacred holidays, it's also visitation season,
meaning I will have the opportunity of traveling with my District Deputy
Grand Masters as a sitting Master. I am really enjoying the
opportunity to meet so many Brethren from near and far. I am looking forward to visiting lodges in Ohio, West Virginia, New Jersey, New York, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia too!
As a result, I make a promise to record my experiences during my travels. I hope it is edifying.